Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A weak Evangelist

Since I have moved to Scotland I have disclosed to a few people here that I am hesitant over taking a stranger through the sinner's prayer. I have no memory of ever taking a friend through the sinner's prayer either.
As someone who teaches on this subject I have a mixed feeling about admitting this. I have concerned people who perhaps understand this as me being unsure about my belief in Jesus as my one and only saviour- I am not; or that I think anyone who leads people to faith in this way is somehow wrong or forced- I do not. I have also concerned myself that I am perhaps unable to fulfil my job as an Evangelist.
However, there are a several hurdles in my culture and personal worldview that mean that I want to be very careful when I invite someone to 'give their life to Jesus' -with me, and repeating my words.

Firstly, many of the opportunities I reflect on as moments to whip out the 'give your life to Jesus!' line have been when my closest friends have been low, they have come to me, full of emotion and brokenness. They have been strangers on the edge of their world, fearing for their life and a hope for the future. Sometimes hardly able to choose a loaf of bread let alone make the biggest decision of their life. They have been people who are already on a journey with God, already wrestling with their creator on personal and gigantic issues.

Secondly, I often have an intense desire to see people liberated from their brokenness, to a personal relationship with Jesus, so I rush toward them, with my visual aid or love gift, full of the 'love of God' and all I believe He has for them on this exact occasion, and they are overwhelmed, stunned or alienated. I have not met them where they are, in what they are facing in their lives.

So I have resolved that pulling out the sinner's prayer has its time and occasion and probably needed more than I often recognise, but I desire to take someone through this because I have first observed what the Lord is saying to this person, what this decision and step will mean for them and that they will know who can support them as they join the most far-reaching, weird and wonderful family of this earth.

For this reason I consider myself a weak Evangelist because I don't believe I am currently walking closely enough to the Holy Spirit to minister to people. Whilst evangelism is part of how I worship God, acquainting souls with their King is not something I honestly believe I can do. Perhaps this is impossible for any of us but if it is possible it will only come out of being completely aligned to God's heart, God's voice and the stillest, smallest voice. It will never be down to how much I want it, or how many times I rehearse my speech.

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